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Managing API Token Authentication»


By default, Token Authentication is enabled.

This article explains how to Check the Status, Enable, or Disable KopiCloud AD API Token Authentication.

Token Authentication settings are managed by the file C:\KopiCloud-AD-API\appsettings.json.

Check Status»

If Token Authentication is enabled, every call to the API will require a token.

Check the status of the Token Authentication, in the footer of the KopiCloud AD API Management Portal:

Token Authentication Status

Config Settings»

If you run KopiCloud AD API in a test environment, maybe you want to disable Token Authentication.

Open the appsettings.json file located on the root of the KopiCloud AD API folder (by default is C:\KopiCloud-AD-API).

Set the status of the Token Authentication using the information below:

Token Authentication Enabled


Token Authentication Disabled


Save the file.

Restart the web server using the IISReset command or the IIS Console.