Change Log»
All notable changes to this project are documented on this page.
KopiCloud AD API Change Log»
v1.1.0 (Provence) - May 2024»
- Enable/disable (show/hide) sections of the KopiCloud AD API
v1.0.0 (Amalfi) - April 2023»
API Initial Release
Create, list, rename, update, and remove AD Users
Enable, disable, unlock, and reset the password of AD Users
Modify Group Membership of AD Users
Create, list, update, and remove AD Security Groups
Create, list, update, and remove AD Distributions Groups
Create, list, update, rename, and remove AD Computers
Create, list, update, and remove AD OUs
Create, list, and remove DNS A Records
Create, list, and remove DNS AAAA Records
Create, list, and remove DNS CNAME Records
Create, list, and remove DNS Lookup Zones
Create, list, and remove DNS Reverse Lookup Zones
KopiCloud AD Terraform Provider Change Log»
v1.0.0 - May 2023»
Terraform Provider Initial Release.
Create, list, update, and remove AD Users
Enable, disable, unlock, and reset the password of AD Users
Modify Group Membership of AD Users
Create, list, update, and remove AD Security Groups
Create, list, update, and remove AD Distributions Groups
Create, list, update, and remove AD Computers
Create, list, update, and remove AD OUs
Create, list, and remove DNS A Records
Create, list, and remove DNS AAAA Records
Create, list, and remove DNS CNAME Records
Create, list, and remove DNS Lookup Zones
Create, list, and remove DNS Reverse Lookup Zones